Employee Perception on HRM Practices in Sugar Industry A Case Study of Parrys Sugar Industries Limited


K. Venkata Muralidhara Rao
Jaladi Ravi
S. Suresh


Human Resource Management has become the central concern of any organization either in public, private or co-operative sector. Human resource plays a crucial role in the development process of modern economics. Human resource is considered as the backbone of any economic enterprise. In recent years the economist has added "Human resource” besides land, capital and technology as the key factor for building and developing the nation. It is conceived to be different from the traditional and conventional notion of "Personnel Management”. A nation with an abundance of physical resources will not benefit itself unless human resources make use of them. HRM is a sun rise concept and traditional personnel management is a sun set concepts. In a competitive scenario, effective utilization of human resources has become necessary and the primary task of organization is to identify, recruit, and channel competent human resources into their business operations for improving productivity and functional efficiency. Parrys Sugar Industries Limited is one of the large scale organizations in the sugar industry employing human resources with entire satisfaction of employees. It was decided that to know their human resource policies of employees and level of satisfaction is carried out by the researcher in this study. Hence Parrys Sugar Industries Limited, Sankili, Srikakulam District is taken up for the study.


How to Cite
Rao, K. V. M., Ravi, J., & Suresh, S. (2015). Employee Perception on HRM Practices in Sugar Industry A Case Study of Parrys Sugar Industries Limited. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(10). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/127569