A Review of the Cause-Effect Relationship between CSR and HR


Rohini S. Nair


The prominence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is being increasing recognized by the organizations. It is considered as an innovative and strategic management function that helps the firms in building strong reputation and brand image. The role of human resource management (HRM) practices in CSR is now being widely accepted and studied. Building a culture of change and responsibility begins with HR. HRM practices ensures that the employees of an organization are wholly committed and are equipped to volunteer for the community initiatives that the organization embark on. Strong CSR activities also leads to several positive and acceptable outcomes for the firm including, talent acquisition and retention, improving employee engagement and in developing OCBs by the employees, among others. This paper focus on the cause and effect relationship that exist between CSR and HR. Both the concepts must be equally valued and appreciated by the firms as both CSR and HR are supposed to supplement and complement each other and are considered to be the essentials for the success of the organizations.


How to Cite
Nair, R. S. (2015). A Review of the Cause-Effect Relationship between CSR and HR. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(12). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/127597