Stress in the Workplace: Stress Management


Neha Sagar


Stress is a state of mind that reflects certain biochemical reactions in the human body and is projected by a sense of anxiety, tension and depression and is caused by such demands by the environmental forces or internal forces that cannot be met by the resources available to the person. It's not easy to find a generally acceptable definition of ‘stress'. Doctors, engineers, psychologists, management consultants all use the word in their own distinctive ways . If a given person can handle the demand and enjoy the stimulation involved, then stress is welcomed and helpful. If they can't, then stress is harmful. In this research, I will discuss about the impact of work stress in the US, main causes of stress at workplace, impact on health, relationship between the stress, health and productivity, controlling measures. Stress is the number one problem for working people, many of whom are juggling work, home and care of the children and often time aging parents. A useful definition for this is a "demand made demand made on the adaptive capacities of the mind and body.



How to Cite
Sagar, N. (2014). Stress in the Workplace: Stress Management. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(1). Retrieved from