Marketing Effectiveness of Customer Satisfaction on Dairy Industry (with Reference to Sangam Dairy Vadlamudi of Guntur (D.T), A.P., India)


S. Ayyappa Naik Nenavath


Dairying a historical and mythological focus. Majority of rural population are dependent on agriculture and allied activities. The first mention of milk trading occurred during Mahabharata time (nearly 2500 BC) when butter (milk fat) is taken out of milk to ease movement from Gokul to Mathura.  Lord Sri Krishna has been considered as a true cow savior. Milch animals like cattle and buffalo are a symbol of purity and motherhood in the Hindu religion and domesticated as an integral part of the Indian social system. If the genesis of organized dairying in India is traced, it was rooted only in the early part of 20th Century, during the pre-independent era, with the establishment of military farms, by the British government. They established these farms to ensure supply of milk for their arm. There was no integration between milk procurement, processing and marketing. In the rural market, generally people buy during festival seasons or after harvesting are over. Whereas, in urban markets, consumers normally buy at the beginning of the month, more so the salaried classes. Marketer's key task is to determine who the decision-maker is in a purchase situation.


How to Cite
Nenavath, S. A. N. (2014). Marketing Effectiveness of Customer Satisfaction on Dairy Industry (with Reference to Sangam Dairy Vadlamudi of Guntur (D.T), A.P., India). The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(1). Retrieved from