Development of a Reliable and Valid Questionnaire Considering International Patient's Perspective of Globalization of Health in Context to India


Puneeta Ajmera
Anita Gupta
Mahavir Singh


OBJECTIVE - To develop a self administered questionnaire to address international patient's perspective of globalization of health in context to India.

RESEARCH DESIGN & METHODS – Attributes of international patient's perspective for India in terms of globalization of health were derived from intensive interviews of international patients and experts and thorough literature reviews to arrive at a 34 item questionnaire. Each item was analyzed on a five point Likert scale so that higher scores indicated a more favorable response. 60 subjects were enrolled for this pilot study. Their baseline scores were evaluated on the questionnaire and subjected to item analysis, validity and reliability testing. Based on the information meaningful items were retained and interpreted based on their statistical properties. Reliability of the questionnaire was calculated through cronbach's alpha using spss software.

RESULTS – Results shows that during item analysis ten items were discarded resulting in a valid and reliable questionnaire. Internal consistency of all the sections of the questionnaire together was 0.92 measured by cronbach's alpha with the help of spss. Reliability coefficient of individual sections of questionnaire (different subscales) were also calculated and were 0.735, 0.664, 0.748, 0.713 and 0.637 respectively. Guttman splithalf reliability coefficient was 0.928 indicating that the two halves of the questionnaire provided consistent information.

CONCLUSIONS The Questionnaire underwent rigorous development, had reliable and valid properties. This questionnaire is intended to help in considering and measuring international patient's perspective of globalization of health in context to India.


How to Cite
Ajmera, P., Gupta, A., & Singh, M. (2014). Development of a Reliable and Valid Questionnaire Considering International Patient’s Perspective of Globalization of Health in Context to India. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(2). Retrieved from