The Effectiveness of In-store Communication with Reference to Spencer's Retail Ltd., Visakhapatnam


P. V. M. Raju


Retailing is the second largest employer in India after agriculture , Customers  in India habituated to buy all their required goods under single roof , because of this fact , may  Malls, Hyper markets , super markets and various other format stores are mushrooming up in India from last decade and providing great growth opportunities for all retailers Communication is an integral part of the retailers marketing strategy. Primarily communication is used to inform customers about the retailer, the merchandise and the services. It also serves as a tool for building the store image. Retail communication has moved on from time when the retailer alone communicated with the consumers today, consumers can communicate or reach the organizations

An in-store communications program is useful way to grab the attention of the customers

In-store communication, in the past has been a largely untapped sources of generating an  instant response from shoppers. Now, however, in-store communications are becoming a bigger part of the marketing mix, lifting sales and differentiating products over rivals in a fiercely competitive market.

Brand communication in the retail environment benefit from improved response and sales activation if their message are integrated into a complete in-store communication strategy. The in-store communication provides knowledge of the products, to ensure that the consumer will feel favorable towards the product and build up a preference for it.

The In-store communication, communicates information in order to create a specific image in the customer's mind in terms of the store merchandise price, quality, benefits etc

This paper highlights the Importance of In –store communication in the retail Stores , and its effectiveness on the customers purchase decisions , and their perception in Spencer's Retail store . Also revels the methods of In-store communication used in Spencer's  Retail  Ltd  and as a part of it and it gives some suggestions to enhance the effectiveness  of In-store communication in Spencer's Retail Store.



How to Cite
Raju, P. V. M. (2014). The Effectiveness of In-store Communication with Reference to Spencer’s Retail Ltd., Visakhapatnam. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(3). Retrieved from