Study of Appeals across the Product Categories Used in TV Advertisements: A Content Analysis Approach


Shakti Prakash
Meenu Kumar


Advertising is an important marketing tool that helps the business world to promote their product and services in the target market. It not only provides information about the products and services available, but also makes people aware about their potential benefits, new launches and also about various schemes offered by companies. Advertisers use various strategies to persuade consumers and appeals are one of them. They try to persuade them either emotionally or rationally providing all required information, helping consumers to take decisions logically. The present study examines the appeals used in television advertisings, and also the types of appeals in different product categories. The method used for the study is content analysis and only television advertisements are analyzed. The result indicates that most of the advertisements have used non humorous appeals- either emotional or rational and only few advertisements have used humorous appeals. The result further reveals that in case of high involvement products, rational appeals are being used whereas of low involvement products humorous and emotional appeals are used.


How to Cite
Prakash, S., & Kumar, M. (2014). Study of Appeals across the Product Categories Used in TV Advertisements: A Content Analysis Approach. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(3). Retrieved from