Factors Influencing Hyperstores Positioning in Kenya: A Survey of Stores in Keroka


Osoro Mark Mose
Margret Oloko
Obonyo Geoffrey


Positioning may be decided on the basis of product attributes, benefits offered, usage occasions, users, personalities, and country of origin, societal or environmental concerns. This study focused on Prices set, Store layout, Income levels and Location as factors that influence store positioning. Questionnaires were designed in such way as to enable the researcher to use both closed and open ended questions to solicit ideas and answers related to the problem from respondents. Observations were used in enhancing the accuracy of the study. Completed questionnaires were coded and analyzed for accuracy of information and then the data were summarized and classified quantitatively and qualitatively. The study established that store layout and income levels influences store positioning greatly than the other attributes. However, the research did not establish a link between information technology and store positioning and therefore this study forms a basis for further research whose findings can then be replicated to other stores in Kenya.


How to Cite
Mose, O. M., Oloko, M., & Geoffrey, O. (2015). Factors Influencing Hyperstores Positioning in Kenya: A Survey of Stores in Keroka. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(3). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/127631