A Study of Customer Perception towards Mobile Specialty Stores at Baroda – (Young and Well Educated Class Perspective)


Jayprakash B. Lamoria
Khuman L. Rathod


Customer perceptions are the performance against the customer expectations. Sources of customer expectations consist of marketer-controlled factors, such as advertising, as well as factors that the marketer has limited ability to affect, such as innate personal needs. Ideally, expectations and perceptions are identical : customers perceive that they get what they think they will and should.

In the competitive world Specialty store faces stiff competition from other formats like Malls, Hyper Markets, and Department Stores.

The young well educated class of Baroda   perceived store location is perceived above good. Parking and store area have been perceived not large. In product assortment width – range of mobile of different prices is very wide but assortment or varieties are not in very large number. Product staking in terms of accessibility and visibility is above good. Product  quality, store staff. Store's cleanliness, payment mode, working hours and store's security have been perceived above good. Product price is perceived as slightly costly. Store ambience and sitting arrangements have not been rated quite good. Billing system in terms of number of counters and process rated above good but speed is less than good. Promotional schemes in ways of frequency, attractiveness, advertising, money saving and buying more have been less than good. Customer complaint handling has been perceived on responsiveness above good but in terms of empathy and satisfaction it is rated less than good.


How to Cite
Lamoria, J. B., & Rathod, K. L. (2014). A Study of Customer Perception towards Mobile Specialty Stores at Baroda – (Young and Well Educated Class Perspective). The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(5). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/127645