An Analysis of Challenges Faced by the Hospitality Industry in Implementation of Employee Productivity Management System


Milind A. Peshave
Rajashree Gujarathi


In the recent years, the word productivity has gained popularity in the business world. However, productivity management is a big challenge to organizations especially when the product is in the form of a service. Hospitality industry being a part of service industry faces a similar problem. This study aims at analyzing the challenges faced by the hospitality industry in implementation of employee productivity management system and to identify the methods to overcome them for effective implementation of the Productivity Management System in hotels. In an effort to do so, a survey in the form of a questionnaire and interviews was conducted from a sample comprising of 365 employees representing various hotels from five star to serviced apartments was selected on random basis to conduct the study. The responses received were analyzed using appropriate analytical tools. The findings of his research states that the major challenges in implementation of the PMS is the lack on parameters like "Just & Fair management of productivity system”, "Involvement of employees in designing / modifying the system”, "Efficiency in measurement of employee productivity” and "Productivity measures are linked to salary”. Measurement of productivity in Hotels is a challenging task and the major reason being that the industry is characterized by an "Intangible Product” i.e. "Service”


How to Cite
Peshave, M. A., & Gujarathi, R. (2014). An Analysis of Challenges Faced by the Hospitality Industry in Implementation of Employee Productivity Management System. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(5). Retrieved from