Smart Cities and Affordable Housing in India


H. S. Gill
Pawan Kumar Sharma


Government of India announced to build 100 smart cities and provide housing to all by 2022.This paper provides framework for establishment of smart cities and strategy for housing the urban poor in composite living through cross subsidy by unlocking of land value. Circular city predominantly based on public transport model, propelled by clean energy provides fast movement with multi-model central business districts, restricts travel from longer distances to short trips and pollution free living. Normative norms and standards of services, approval process and application of technology is prime moving factor. India from low to high level of urbanisation model can make entry to new arena by providing clean living cities by adapting new technologies. Late starter can have all benefits of application of technologies in built environment and take advantages of best of experience all over the world.  


How to Cite
Gill, H. S., & Sharma, P. K. (2014). Smart Cities and Affordable Housing in India. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(8). Retrieved from