Celebrity Endorsement and its Impacts on Students Buying Behaviour towards Personal Care Products


A. H. Choudhury
K. Mukherjee


The globalization has opened up investment avenues and business opportunities coupled with rapid growth of mass media and communication that has provided tremendous marketing opportunities and consumer reach in India. Everyday consumers are exposed to thousands of ad voices and images in magazines, newspapers, on billboards, websites, radio and television. Every brand attempts to have at least a fraction of time to inform him or her of the amazing and appealing different attributes of the product available. But the customers try to avoid or neglect such advertisements. The effect is that the marketer encounters with customers as to adopt new tools and techniques in advertisement to influence consumers. In contrast, the ad with the popular celebrity is very difficult to avoid or neglect. The modern world of marketing communication has become colorful with abundance of   advertisements, and it is a huge task for the designer of ad campaign to differentiate itself from others and attract viewer's attention. The challenge of the marketer is to find a device that will hold the customers attention. In helping to achieve this goal, the celebrity endorsement is being used as marketing communication strategy to draw the customers' attention and help recall to influence their buying behaviour especially for personal care products. Celebrity endorsement is a unique marketing communication technique in advertising that aims to achieve a favourable impact on brand image by stimulating the buyers purchase decision. India is a country, where people has always admired and respected the stars and heroes of the country. Now days, the celebrities not only admired by people but follow as their role models and in turn the celebrities become instrumental to influence their behaviour through endorsement.  The unleashing power of the celebrities, television stars, movie actors, and famous sports persons are being widely used in magazine advertisements, radio spots, and television slots and website commercials to endorse products. Celebrity in ad acts as Stimuli to change the buying behaviour of the consumers. Celebrity endorsement creates a favourable and positive impact on recall and thereby consumers purchase decision. The study indicates that both the male and female are highly positive towards celebrity perception and sensitive to the celebrity advertisements. 



How to Cite
Choudhury, A. H., & Mukherjee, K. (2014). Celebrity Endorsement and its Impacts on Students Buying Behaviour towards Personal Care Products. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(9). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/127717