Impact of Job Satisfaction and Quality Work Life on Employee Relations: A Study with Reference to APSPDCL, Prakasam District


B. Padmaja
N. Venkateswara Rao


Job satisfaction is the end result of the job context factors such as an organization's administrative policies, working environment relationship between superior and subordinates. The status of an employee on the job, advancement in life being performed, the status of an employee on the job, advancement in life being an economic profile do influence on the level of his/her Job satisfaction.  To improve the Quality of Work Life, the work satisfaction of employees is to be considered as a motivational strategy. The present study has been taken up in the Andhra Pradesh Southern Power Distribution Company Limited (APSPDCL) to review the major factors influencing QWL of employees with reference to APSPDCL, Prakasam District and provide suitable suggestions to improve the qwl f employees.


How to Cite
Padmaja, B., & Rao, N. V. (2014). Impact of Job Satisfaction and Quality Work Life on Employee Relations: A Study with Reference to APSPDCL, Prakasam District. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(10). Retrieved from