Impact of CSR on Employee Motivation


Lakhwinder Kaur Dhillon
Raibila Grace


motivated at all times for continuous development and growth. The purpose behind this research is to help modern day companies realize the importance of CSR and how it can help to enhance the economic prosperity of an organization while motivating the workforce at the same time. The report strives to look into the matter of Corporate Social Responsibility, how CSR revolves around an employee and how much of an impact it finally has on employee motivation. Besides connecting CSR to external factors such as environment, NGOS and philanthropy, which is principally discussed in theory and practice, it is of prime interest to comprehend the relationship between CSR and employee motivation. To understand this concept and to unroll the contrasts, an in depth research method is adopted. Data collection is carried out with the aid of two questionnaires. Each questionnaire consists of 20 questions in the context of CSR and Employee Motivation. Data Analysis is completed with the assistance of IBM SPSS. The result of this research gives us understanding about the roles of CSR and the characteristics responsible behind employee motivation.


How to Cite
Dhillon, L. K., & Grace, R. (2014). Impact of CSR on Employee Motivation. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(10). Retrieved from