Information Technology (IT) and its Role in Establishing Total Quality Management (TQM) in Higher Education Institutions in the Sultanate of Oman


Maria Elisa Linda T. Cruz
Orlando W. Eduria


Providing high-quality service is one of the keys to a successful organization to gain sustainable competitive advantage and to also maintain productivity and institutional effectiveness. The use of Information Technology (IT) has greatly impacted organizations and institutions in various countries in the world as they involve Total Quality Management (TQM) in their day-to-day business operations as revealed in existing research studies and literature. TQM and IT combined have a lot to offer and should be realized by every key administrative personnel in the organization. It has been proven over the past years that information technology and quality management services have supported each other to optimally achieve the organization's goals.

This study will embark on evaluating the role of IT to achieve TQM among the HEIs of Oman. The increasing number of stakeholders and the complexity of academic and non-academic services have created wide range of activities that would greatly affect performance and productivity of educational institutions in the Sultanate. Through this, TQM plays a vital role in shaping high standards of quality assurance and management services of higher education institutions (HEIs) in order to meet the institution's vision, mission, objectives and the standards of quality assurance in Oman. This study in particular will assess information technology utilization rates among HEIs in Oman. Identify the positive effects and major constraints for adopting TQM and IT. Present suggestions on IT application to fully implement TQM. Generate a framework of TQM and IT model that can be utilized by HEIs in Oman.



How to Cite
Cruz, M. E. L. T., & Eduria, O. W. (2014). Information Technology (IT) and its Role in Establishing Total Quality Management (TQM) in Higher Education Institutions in the Sultanate of Oman. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(12). Retrieved from