Domestic Tourism In India: Trends And Factor Analysis


Monika Aggarwal


The present study had been taken with two objectives: firstly to measure the trends in the Indian tourism industry and secondly, to analyze the factors responsible for the attraction of domestic tourist in the tricity of Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali. For this purpose study is divided into two sections. Section-I highlights the trends in tourism in India whereas section-II analyzes the factors which attract domestic tourism in India. For the study of trends in Indian tourism industry the data were taken from various publications of the state tourism departments and the Ministry of Tourism including the Tourism Statistics. The data were taken for the period of 17 years starting from 1991 to 2007. The data for the years 2008-10 were not available till the time of the study. The statistical technique like exponential trend analysis was made use of for the purpose of analysis of the data. For the study of factors affecting domestic tourism a survey of 100 respondents was conducted using a structured close ended questionnaire. Out of these 100 questionnaires only 57 valid responses were received. For the purpose of analysis of this data the statistical techniques like Parameter tests, Factor analysis and Correlation Analysis were used. A clear downfall in the growth rate of foreign tourist as well as domestic tourist was observed. On the basis of factor analysis it was found that the Natural and Physical Factors were the most important for the destination selection of the domestic tourists. Local Life Style stood at number two position that attracts tourists. It was recommended that the tourism department should focus on biodiversity conservation by protecting India's flora, fauna and avi-fauna. The capacity building of the local community, promotion of Homestays, training on Spas and local community lifestyle along with proper guide trainings should also be focused.


How to Cite
Aggarwal, M. (2013). Domestic Tourism In India: Trends And Factor Analysis. The International Journal of Business & Management, 1(10). Retrieved from