Is Opportunity Management A Precursor To Leather Value Addition Initiatives?


Mwinyikione Mwinyihija
William Quisenberry


The review attempted to underscore the importance of opportunity management when taken in cognizance of initiatives towards value addition of the leather sector. During the review, it was observed that stupendously the leather sector is vastly impacted by certain socio-economic factors in attaining improved performances which otherwise are dismal particularly in Africa. For instance, in reference to some of the factors identified, nine important aspects needed to have been considered alongside the analytical process of the value chains to provide width and adequately cover the leather sector such as employment, trade, costs, price, productivity, competitiveness, income, technology, and research and development (i.e. innovation). However, a huge knowledge gap in associated research related to the leather sector. The result of this poor research coverage leads to lack of comprehensive analysis of the leather sector as such is considered currently as a continuing concern. The dilemma closely tied to the leather sector, therefore. As observed in the review is the inadequacy of quantifying the unexplored or potential opportunities that would otherwise provide the stimulus needed for value addition.  Indeed, the importance of understudying the value chain analysis, opportunity management and concept driven strategies related to the leather sector was for the purpose of comprehending the factors affecting growth of this important sector particularly for the developing countries in Africa. Therefore, the review provided a prognosis on exploration of opportunities in the leather value chain as a panacea and or precursor to value creation. The ultimate result as depicted within the review was possibly unleashing of potential within and amongst the leather sector strata.


How to Cite
Mwinyihija, M., & Quisenberry, W. (2013). Is Opportunity Management A Precursor To Leather Value Addition Initiatives?. The International Journal of Business & Management, 1(11). Retrieved from