Impact Study On Market Testing Of Little Millet Rice For The Diabetics In Hubli Dharwad Region, India


Sharanabasamma S. Patil


Diabetes is on an increase in India. The revised World Health Organization figures for the year 2025 is 57.2 million diabetics, the chief reason being urbanization and life style, Besides heredity, race, age, nutritional status, stress, altered immune function, altered Physiological and metabolic status, drugs and hormones. . It is springtime for potential minor millets like Little millet to be woven in the fabric of daily diet. The market research study conducted by simple random sampling method, determining the market potential for Little Millet rice  in Hubli – Dharwad. As per the study conducted there is a huge marketing potential for Little millet rice. Now a day's people are health conscious and preferably they go for healthy nutritious products.


How to Cite
Patil, S. S. (2013). Impact Study On Market Testing Of Little Millet Rice For The Diabetics In Hubli Dharwad Region, India. The International Journal of Business & Management, 1(11). Retrieved from