An Analytical Study on Women Entrepreneurship Development in Kashmir – Problems and Remedies


Mohammad Ashraf Malla


The emergence of globalization has led to the dramatic expansion of small and self-employment sector as an important part of economic development. It has opened new doors for the establishment of women entrepreneurship. Women have been coming forward to start their activities in trade, manufacturing and service sectors. In Jammu and Kashmir, the emergence of women entrepreneurship is comparatively of recent origin. It was under the self – employment scheme started by the State Government after 70's that women entrepreneurship in the state started blooming. Promotion of women entrepreneurship was considered to be an effective means to tackle the problem of unemployment among women. However, the dream could not be realized fully because of certain critical issues. The present paper attempts to analyse and highlight various problems which the growth of women entrepreneurship in Kashmir presently is confronted with. There are four big obstacles in the growth of women entrepreneurship in Kashmir. These are dependence, dominance, discrimination and denial of rights of women. The solution of these problems needs a clear thinking and an effective action at various fronts. The paper also suggests various ways for the promotion of the women entrepreneurship in Kashmir.


How to Cite
Malla, M. A. (2015). An Analytical Study on Women Entrepreneurship Development in Kashmir – Problems and Remedies. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(3). Retrieved from