Study of Impact of Quality of Work Life on Managerial Creativity with Reference to Indian Executives


Jyoti Vyas Bajpai
Kapil Sharma
Vivek Sharma


As business struggles trying to grapple with new issues and avenues every day, creativity among its people has come to become the most coveted skill. Recent times have witnessed the most trying circumstances economically and socially worldwide. Also, the extreme adversities have been a golden opportunity for the most innovations in business to come to the fore. Businesses have now come of an age where creativity and innovations are no longer a luxury choice but an essential survival expertise.

What then defines creativity? How can one understand the dynamics of its creativity? How does Quality of work life impact creativity? Does it really pay to make an effort to improve the work life quality or is it just another latest management fad, the new flavor of the season to improve quality of work life or creativity.


How to Cite
Bajpai, J. V., Sharma, K., & Sharma, V. (2015). Study of Impact of Quality of Work Life on Managerial Creativity with Reference to Indian Executives. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(3). Retrieved from