Premarital Sex Practice among School Adolescents in Makawanpur District, Nepal


Ram Prasad Adhikari
Ram Krishna Maharjan


Adolescence is the period of peer pressure, lack of decision and various other problems. So, small matter also plays an adverse role to create and raise tension during this period. The objective of the study is to assess the premarital sex practice of school adolescents. The survey data were collected from400 school-going adolescents (9-12 classes) of the age group of 15-19 years in 10 higher secondary schools of Makawanpur district of Nepal. Stratified and proportionate random sampling method was used to select the school and simple random sampling method was used to select the equal number of respondents (200each) from both sexes. In total 400 students, 36.5 percent adolescents participated in sexual activities. Among them 32.25 percent unmarried adolescents had had premarital sexual experience. The number of boys' participation in sexual intercourse is higher (69.86%) than girls (30.14%). Janajati have involved more (60.96%) in sexual intercourse than other castes. The students of 15 years have involved less (13.70% ) in sexual intercourse in the comparison of other age groups. The students of class 9 and 12 found more participation in sexual intercourse (28.08% and 27.40% respectively) than the rest classes. Participation in sexual intercourse in low age of adolescence leads towards the vulnerability of various sexually transmitted infection and reproductive health problems. So, parents, teachers and the policy makers should be responsible for protecting the future generation of the nation. And there is the need of further research with emphasis on other potential influences like economic status of parents, accessibility on information technology and social status of respondents on premarital sex.


How to Cite
Adhikari, R. P., & Maharjan, R. K. (2015). Premarital Sex Practice among School Adolescents in Makawanpur District, Nepal. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(5). Retrieved from