Buying Behaviour of Women for Personal Care Products in Coimbatore District


S. Suganya


The Indian economy, is growing briskly at an annual rate of above eight percent during 2008-11..  Despite the worldwide economic slump, the market for personal care products in India is growing at 13 percent per annum. The personal care industry is directly aligned to the demographics of the region that it serves.  With the median age at 25 years, India is among the world's youngest nations, in addition, the country's population base of 1.2 billion persons is estimated to rise to 1.5 billion by the end of 2030.  Urbanization will also increase by 45 percent in the next 30 years.  In recent times, Indian consumers are looking for newer shopping experiences and products.  It is quite evident that the cosmetics and toiletries industry in the developed markets is close to saturation and growth has slowed down.  The cost of cosmetics, soaps and detergents will go up due to the high raw material prices after the drastic depreciation of the rupee, making imports expensive. Meanwhile, countries such as India, with its growing economy, offer a lucrative market for large multinationals


How to Cite
Suganya, S. (2015). Buying Behaviour of Women for Personal Care Products in Coimbatore District. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(6). Retrieved from