Students' Perceived Service Quality and Satisfaction Vis-í -vis Educational Diversity: An Empirical Study


Abu Sayeed Mondal
Pradip Kumar Mallik
Pradyumna Kumar Tripathy


Higher education is undergoing a metamorphic change in the present era facing tremendous competitive pressure coupled with vigorous challenges and problems. Institutes catering higher education, therefore, gear to absorb these issues and revamp infrastructure, course curriculum, industry academia interface and exploring opportunities to offer doctoral and post doctoral program, etc. This is vital for attracting and retaining potential students and addressing their career oriented issues pragmatically. The present paper makes an attempt to gauge students' perception of service quality of the institutes they attend and the level of satisfaction on the institutes as a whole. Students having diverse educational backgrounds are deemed to be a major factor in this study and how this educational diversity impacts on perceived service quality and satisfaction is a subject matter of investigation too in this paper.


How to Cite
Mondal, A. S., Mallik, P. K., & Tripathy, P. K. (2015). Students’ Perceived Service Quality and Satisfaction Vis-í -vis Educational Diversity: An Empirical Study. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(7). Retrieved from