A Conceptual Framework on Work-Life Balance Challenges in Harmonizing Professional Prospects & Personal Aspects


Anuradha B.


The paper is a conceptual work that aims at gaining better understanding of the concept of Work-life balance challenges. The true essence of life of a person could be broadly classified as personal life and professional life. All the activities of a person are engaged either directly or indirectly in bringing out a healthy balance between these pursuits termed as "Work-life balance”.  This article attempts to uncover the role – employers can play in enabling their employees' in achieving work-life balance for the well-being of the self and the Organization, on the whole.


How to Cite
B., A. (2015). A Conceptual Framework on Work-Life Balance Challenges in Harmonizing Professional Prospects & Personal Aspects. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(8). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/128340