Teleconsultation: An Insight from the Knowledge Management Perspectives


Ramli R.
Ali, N.


The fact that knowledge is being recognized to be the intangible assets that can be leveraged on by organizations, the use of Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) has become one of the major investments organizations are making today. One type of KMS that mirrors the main business process of medical practitioners is teleconsultation, a system that supports remote consultation between doctors to patients as well as doctors to doctors. Two well-known KM models are used in this study to establish that teleconsultation is indeed a category of KMS based on the knowledge acquisition, development and sharing activities that are evident in the teleconsultation process. In confirming this fact, future studies on teleconsultation can be conducted with KMS in mind. Upcoming research on teleconsultation can refer or be based on the many KMS models and frameworks available knowing that teleconsultation is indeed KMS.


How to Cite
R., R., & N., A. (2015). Teleconsultation: An Insight from the Knowledge Management Perspectives. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(8). Retrieved from