A Study on the Growth of Women Entrepreneurship


T. Tamil Selvi


Women perform an important role in building the real backbone of a nation's economy, there is considerable entrepreneurial talent among women. Many women's domestic skills such as people and time management and household budgeting are directly transferable in the business context. Women have the ability to balance different tasks and priorities and tend to find satisfaction and success in and from building relationships with customers and employees, having control of their own density, and in doing something that they consider worthwhile. They have the potential and the will to establish and manage enterprises of their own. These qualities and strengths of women are to be tapped for productive channels. A potential Entrepreneur is motivated by one or more forces like one's own personality, work experience gained, which makes possible the identification of manufacturing opportunity, a family background of business knowledge and facilities offered by the government. A proper environment is necessary along with the other infrastructural facilities for the growth of Entrepreneurship. Risk-taking and putting with uncertainty are essential functions of Entrepreneurship.


How to Cite
Selvi, T. T. (2015). A Study on the Growth of Women Entrepreneurship. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(9). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/128356