A Study on the Effects of Transformational Leadership on Employee's Overall Job Satisfaction in India's Information Technology Industry


Naveen Mahadevamangalam
Haranath Gundluru


The current study contributes to the understanding of transformational leadership style impact on employee's overall job satisfaction in India's Information Technology Industry. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire 5X-Short form (MLQ) and Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) instrument developed by Paul E. Spector were administrated. Two hundred and ninety two professionals working in India's Information Technology industry participated in the study. The survey measured transformational leadership and employee's overall job satisfaction and results were analyzed using regression and correlation. Five hypotheses examined the relationship among transformational leadership variables idealized influence (Attributed), idealized influence (Behavior), inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration and employee's overall job satisfaction. Findings were consistent with existing literature. The study recommends that Information Technology companies should focus on cultivating transformational leadership qualities in all levels of managers to enrich the overall job satisfaction of the employees. In addition, this study also identified areas of further research.


How to Cite
Mahadevamangalam, N., & Gundluru, H. (2015). A Study on the Effects of Transformational Leadership on Employee’s Overall Job Satisfaction in India’s Information Technology Industry. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(10). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/128370