Factors Influencing Implementation of Strategic Plans at Amatsi Water Services Company in the County Government of Vihiga, Kenya


Ruth Kamali
Douglas Musiega
Shedrack Mbithi


The main objective of this study, therefore was to analyze the factors that influence the implementation of strategic plan among the water service companies. Specifically, the study investigated the influence of financial resources on strategic plan implementation at Amatsi water Services Company in Vihiga County, Kenya. The researcher adopted a descriptive case study design in which Amatsi water Services Company was the single unit of the study. The target population was 54 staff workers on various managerial positions. Simple random sampling technique was used to determine the sample size of 47. Primary data was collected using self-administered Questionnaire. Quantitative analysis provided correlation analysis, which assisted in determining the significance level between the independent and dependent variables with help of SPSS 20. A very low percentage of respondents agreed to statements on financial resources. The research findings revealed that financial resources are inadequate since their main source of finance was collections from the water bills. This implies that the implementation of the strategic plan process at the company is not very effective since the key factors for implementation are inadequate. Water service companies are therefore recommended to form partnerships with private entities to diversify sources of funds so that they can be able to cater adequately for factors necessary for effective implementation of their strategic plans. Regular training for managers is advised to ensure that they cope up with the new roles of strategy implementation.


How to Cite
Kamali, R., Musiega, D., & Mbithi, S. (2015). Factors Influencing Implementation of Strategic Plans at Amatsi Water Services Company in the County Government of Vihiga, Kenya. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(11). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/128374