Procedural Justice as a Predictor of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Selected Tertiary Institutions in Rivers State


Sunday Owhorji


This paper which examined organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior in selected tertiary institutions in Rivers State is descriptive, with the objective of determining how organizational justice helps in the improvement of organizational citizenship behavior. The null hypothesis was adopted having collected data from the institutions and the regression analysis was done with the aid of the SPSS. The null hypothesis were rejected hence the P-value was less then r2value, showing that there is a positive relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). From our findings, we concluded that the presence of organizational justice enhances organizational citizenship behavior and that corporate culture plays a very significant role in the relationship between organizational justice and citizenship behavior since it determines how citizens perceive the organization. Based on these findings, we recommend that organizations should inculcate the views and opinions of their employees, encourage equitable distribution of resources, and ensure that proper procedures of doing things are adopted in the organization as this will encourage positive performance behavior.


How to Cite
Owhorji, S. (2015). Procedural Justice as a Predictor of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Selected Tertiary Institutions in Rivers State. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(12). Retrieved from