Word of Mouth Marketing: Consumers Participation


Charu Sarin
Bhawna Pal


Social marketing is reaching its peak; ‘word of mouth' has come into limelight. The firm's objective now a day is to create advertisements that spark conversation, which would lead persuasion of the prospect and eventually to a purchase. WOM drives sales because conversations about brands have a powerful impact on people. More than half of the consumers attribute high credibility to the information they hear during a WOM conversation. WORD OF MOUTH is the most powerful medium on the planet. It is the actual sharing of an opinion about a product or service between two or more consumers. It is the holy grail of marketers, CEOs and entrepreneurs, as it can make or break a product. The key to its success: it is honest and natural. The paper tries to examine word-of-mouth as the tool of marketing and public relations, its growing importance in today's time. How it has taken the various other forms and corporate & consumers both are becoming a part of it. The paper basically uses the primary data form for analyzing the trend of word-of-mouth in digital space and the importance of such a megatrend in today's time.


How to Cite
Sarin, C., & Pal, B. (2014). Word of Mouth Marketing: Consumers Participation. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(1). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/128400