Hitting Prices and Doubling Burdens: A Fact Sheet of Indian Scenario


S. Sangeetha
R. Divya


Inflation has become the unlikely mantra of Aam aadmi as they spell every day and then in the recent times. The inflation rate in India was recorded at 8.79 percent in January of 2014.Headline inflation matters most as it is the core inflation that affects the common man.Not only essential goods see a hike, non-essential items would also cost more. Rising inflation has dented consumer spending. Indians are taking defending position by making out purchase of loose and unbranded cereals or by taking advantage of discounted sales. In this case, the people below poverty line are struggling very hard to attain their daily bread and feed the family. Whereas middle-class families are intensely affected and are facing dilemmatic situation in charting their monthly expenditures plans. As inflation shoots them with double barrel guns which couples limited wages and soaring prices of goods makes them lifeless. Adding fuel to the already set fire, the spike in price of products like petroleum products have put up all the more pressure on people which made people to take a walk rather drive. There are multiple factors which has made poor poorer. This paper will discuss on inflation triggered various issues faced by common man in India. 



How to Cite
Sangeetha, S., & Divya, R. (2014). Hitting Prices and Doubling Burdens: A Fact Sheet of Indian Scenario. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(4). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/128464