Behavioural Abilities Measurement


Shefali Sachdeva


Behaviour modification, behaviour measurement and analyses is increasingly gaining significance which is quite evident from increasingly large number of organizations providing behavioural training and development programmes based on their needs analysis, conducting personality tests and introducing customer service as a part of employee's scorecard. These organizations spend huge resources on various interventions which are aimed to further their objective of creating and maintaining good behaviour in the organization towards other employees, suppliers, clients etc. This paper thus attempts to define concepts of behaviour, behavioural abilities or competencies, characteristics of behaviour and behavioural abilities. The paper also highlights what needs to be borne in mind while measuring the behavioural abilities based on the review of literature and highlights the existing gaps in literature to make the measurement of behavioural abilities more meaningful.



How to Cite
Sachdeva, S. (2015). Behavioural Abilities Measurement. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(2). Retrieved from