An Analysis of Silk Production in India


K. Thiripura Sundari
P. Rama Lakshmi


Sericulture which has its origin in China is an age old industry in India.  Silk route is one of the ancient internationally recognized route for global business for not only silk but also other important commodities.  History reveals that silk is also used as an alternate currency (One of the important item to be exchanged in Barter System). India, silk has a prominent place since beginning and has glorious past and considered precious of great trading value.

  Indian sericulture plays a prominent role both at National & International level.  At National level, it is important source of remunerative employment for around 6 million people, particularly in rural areas and the majority of which are from a socioeconomically weaker section of society and women folk.  Besides, it contributes significantly in earning valuable and sizeable foreign exchange for the country through export of silk goods.  Moreover, this industry ensures supply of Raw silk to the domestic market.

At international level India enjoys a second position in raw silk production and contributes about 18% in total global raw silk production.  It also plays an important role in imparting technical training and consultancy services to new emerging sericulture countries. Sericulture is practiced in 27 states of the country and current production of raw silk is to the tune of 18475 MT (Mulb+ Non).  Whereas export of silk goods has touched new heights of Rs.3244.74 crores. Though India is second in silk production, next to China, but gap between the two is wide both in terms of quantity and quality as well. Hence this paper deals with the journey of Indian silk comprising history, present status of Indian silk industry. An attempt is also made to analyze the prospects of the state wise production of silk in India.



How to Cite
Sundari, K. T., & Lakshmi, P. R. (2015). An Analysis of Silk Production in India. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(3). Retrieved from