Activities of Small and Medium Scale Confectionery Enterprise and Environmental Quality in Adamawa State, Nigeria


Stephen Pembi
Rachael Amos Musa


The consequence of confectionery industries' activities on the environment leaves the ecosystem worse-off comparatively. Most of such activities come through the release of waste as well as extraction of forest resources. Environmental degradation has been and continues to be a major factor causing damage to the environment, affecting the land, water, vegetation and all other features that constitute the natural environment. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of the activities of small and medium scale confectionery enterprise and environmental quality in Adamawa state with specific reference to bakeries. The data for the study was obtained using a structured questionnaire administered on a sample of one hundred and fifty (150) members of the public and fifty (50) workers of bakery industries from Mubi and Yola metropolis respectively. The data was subjected to percentage (%) analysis and the Z-test to analyze and test the hypotheses respectively. The result signifies that the bakery's' operators in Adamawa State are not aware of environmental laws and policies; majority of those who claimed to be aware of such laws and policies do not comply with them. They are more concerned with profit maximization than environmental protection. The study recommends that environmental impacts assessment should be made compulsory for industries whose operations have negative environmental impacts. In addition, training programs such as lectures and seminar on environmental management should be organized for the owners and employees of such industries. Wide public relation/publicity should be given to available environmental laws and policies in the state.


How to Cite
Pembi, S., & Musa, R. A. (2018). Activities of Small and Medium Scale Confectionery Enterprise and Environmental Quality in Adamawa State, Nigeria. The International Journal of Business & Management, 6(3). Retrieved from