The Influence of Job Role, Job Opportunity, Satisfaction and Stress on Employee Turnover Intention, in Three Government Bureau of Dire Dawa Administration


Senaitt Argaw Wossen
Mestawet Abebe Alemu


The overall purpose of this research was to examine the influence of job role, job opportunity, satisfaction and stress on employees' turnover intention in public service sectors of Dire Dawa Administration namely, Trade, Industry and Investment bureau, Land Development bureau, and Administration City Manager Office. All permanent employees were included as a target population from purposively selected bureaus. Descriptive research design method was utilized to identify the influence of independent variables on dependent variable. The research incorporated both primary and secondary data. The collected data were processed and analyzed through descriptive analysis and inferential statistical techniques, the finding revealed that job role, satisfaction have significant negative relationship where as stress and job opportunity have significant positive relationship with employee turnover intention. Those organizations have to take in to consideration in advance to improve work related problem which have their own influence on employees' turnover intension.


How to Cite
Wossen, S. A., & Alemu, M. A. (2018). The Influence of Job Role, Job Opportunity, Satisfaction and Stress on Employee Turnover Intention, in Three Government Bureau of Dire Dawa Administration. The International Journal of Business & Management, 6(3). Retrieved from