"Overall Organization Context and Structure "


Branilsav Djordjevic


A discussion or analysis of an organization invariably begins with a description of its general context and an illustration of its organization chart. This common practice is not just a formality or habit. It is necessary to provide the uninitiated with an over view of the social and economic domain in which the organization operates and a simple "picture” of the structural configuration of the organization as a whole. The organization chart provides useful background information for in-depth assessment of an organization, and comparative studies across organizations have shown that much of the variation in overall organization structure is explained by organizational context or domain.



How to Cite
Djordjevic, B. (2018). "Overall Organization Context and Structure ". The International Journal of Business & Management, 6(4). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/129641