The Effect of E-Service Quality and E-Recovery Service Quality on E-Loyalty through E-Satisfaction, on E-Commerce in Indonesia


Hendra .
Endang S. R.
Beby K. S.


Commercial transactions among countries and islands have never been easier with the virtual world through electronic transaction and electronic payment. Thus, it is of high importance for marketing experts to redesign their researches, especially in the field of services.  The use of the internet has brought changes on the dimensions of service quality from service quality (servqual) to electronic-service quality. Service quality and customer satisfaction have been a primary research focus for more than forty years. Nonetheless, the development of the Internet itself inspired the emergence of electronic trading in the past decade. E-Service Quality (eSQ) has a significant effect on E-loyalty (eL) on Indonesia's E-commerce marketplace. From the analysis previously conducted on the effect of E-Service Quality (eSQ) on E-loyalty (eL), Both E-Service Quality (eSQ) and E-satisfaction (ICE) variables are found to have positive and significant effects. E-Recovery Service Quality (eRSQ) has a significant effect on E-loyalty (eL) on Indonesia's E-commerce marketplace. Based on the third hypothesis testing results, it was indicates that E-Recovery Service Quality (eRSQ) did not affect significantly to E-loyalty (eL). E-Recovery Service Quality (eRSQ) has a significant effect onE-Satisfaction (eS) on Indonesia's E-commerce marketplace. Based on the fourth hypothesis testing results, it was shown that E-Recovery Service Quality (eRSQ) has a significant effect on E-loyalty (eL) on Indonesia's E-commerce marketplace. E-satisfaction (eS) has a significant effect on E-loyalty (eL) on Indonesia's E-commerce marketplace. Based on the results of the fifth hypothesis testing, it was discovered that E-satisfaction (ICE) has a significant effect on E-loyalty (eL). E-Service Quality (eSQ) has a significant effect on E-loyalty (eL) through E-satisfaction on Indonesia's E-commerce marketplace. Based on the results of the sixth hypothesis testing, it was discovered that E-Service Quality (eSQ) has a significant effect on E-loyalty (eL E-Recovery Service Quality (eRSQ) has a significant effect on E-loyalty (eL) through E-satisfaction on Indonesia's E-commerce marketplace. Based on the results of the seventh hypothesis testing, it was discovered E-Recovery Service Quality (eRSQ) has a significant effect on E-loyalty (eL). E-Service Quality has an effect on E-Loyalty on Indonesia's Ecommerce marketplace. E-Service Quality has an effect on E-Satisfaction on Indonesia's Ecommerce marketplace. E-Recovery Service Quality has no effect on E-Loyalty on Indonesia's Ecommerce marketplace. E-Recovery Service Quality has an effect on E-Loyalty on Indonesia's Ecommerce marketplace. E-Satisfaction has an effect on E-Loyalty on Indonesia's Ecommerce marketplace. E-Service Quality has an effect on E-Satisfaction through E-satisfaction on Indonesia's Ecommerce marketplace. E-Recovery Service Quality has an effect on E-Loyalty through E-Satisfaction on Indonesia's Ecommerce marketplace



How to Cite
., H., R., E. S., & S., B. K. (2018). The Effect of E-Service Quality and E-Recovery Service Quality on E-Loyalty through E-Satisfaction, on E-Commerce in Indonesia. The International Journal of Business & Management, 6(4). Retrieved from