The Effects of Economic Policies in the Manufacturing Sectors in Post Independence Zimbabwe


Dumisani Madzivanyati


This thesis focuses on the effects of economic policies on the Manufacturing industry in Zimbabwe post -independence 1980. The researcher sets to find out the effects of the Economic Policies in Post Independent Zimbabwe (Growth with Equity, ESAP and Jambanja Era). The research concentrated on data from 1980 up to date. The study included data from 1980, 2008 was excluded because that was when Zimbabwe got a new government of national unity.

The research methodology adopted were the   mixed methods which are qualitative and quantitative. Data for this study was collected from structured questionnaires, document analysis and interviews. Participants were given transcripts of the interviews and findings from the questionnaires. The participants were drawn from finance directors, accountants, human resources personnel, company secretaries and other administration staff. They were asked to review the findings of the questionnaires and interview, as well as the themes analyzed in the data, to verify accuracy. This collaboration with participants served to strengthen the validity of the study and it was consistent with ethical consideration.

Data collection was conducted for a period of two years. The conduction of the analysis was done as soon as data was collected. While collecting and transcribing data, ideas, and themes were noted by the researcher as they emerged. Ely, et. Al. (1991) stated, "Analysis is part and parcel of the ongoing, intertwined process that powers data collection." Therefore, my first step was to organize raw data, transcriptions of the interviews, field notes taken during observations, log pages of the participants, and review of documentation and visuals. The data collected about the de-industrialization of Bulawayo manufacturing companies and hyperinflation period in Zimbabwe were kept separate during the collection process. The thesis is supported by theories namely, NEO classical and Keynesian economic theories. Due to time and budget constraints, a sample of 100 companies were selected based on their registered capital, investment figures and had to been in existence from 1980. The researcher believes that the sample should represent more than 80 per cent of Manufacturing Sector in Zimbabwe in terms of value and volume.

The thesis evaluated the effects of economic policies on the manufacturing sectors post-independent Zimbabwe. These economic policies had an effect or influence on the social growth and the manufacturing sectors in the country. The results showed the effects of the economic policies on manufacturing sectors chosen for this study.



How to Cite
Madzivanyati, D. (2018). The Effects of Economic Policies in the Manufacturing Sectors in Post Independence Zimbabwe. The International Journal of Business & Management, 6(5). Retrieved from