An Empirical Study on Role of Innovative Work Behavior as a Predictor of Technology Adoption in British Tourism Industry: The Management Perspective


Ahmed Fawad
Mughal Muhammad Farhan
Razzaq Asif
Warraich Siddiq Hassan
Faraz Naveed Ahmad


This paper employs the original technology acceptance model by Davis to study technology acceptance and usage behavior among managerial staff in tourism industry in United Kingdom. Moreover, it studies the innovative work behavior of managers as an antecedent of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and attitude towards use. Questionnaire survey technique was used to collect data with a 7-point Likert scale. The sample included 77 managerial staff from six different travel agencies in U.K. PLS-SEM was used to analyze data. The results demonstrate that innovative work behavior is a strong predictor of TAM variables and also confirms past research findings that perceived usefulness results in a positive attitude towards use and confirms attitude towards use as a strong predictor of intention to use technology.


How to Cite
Fawad, A., Farhan, M. M., Asif, R., Hassan, W. S., & Ahmad, F. N. (2018). An Empirical Study on Role of Innovative Work Behavior as a Predictor of Technology Adoption in British Tourism Industry: The Management Perspective. The International Journal of Business & Management, 6(6). Retrieved from