"Scope of E-Marketing” A Comprehensive Study on E- Marketing in Bangladesh


Md. Maksodul Haque Sawrov
Mohammad Mofasserul Islam


E- Marketing is the blessing of any company as well as customer. It makes the life much more comfortable. Each and every individual are being benefited to take the advantage of E-marketing. Bangladesh is developing country and this country has already changed dramatically if anyone compare than before really found how changed it's very quickly. Majority of the people are using internet and whole country is being digitalized. The government has been taken proper initiative to change the country. Business institution, School, college, University, Banks, Online business all are depends on internet. Now a day's every business is doing by online based, e- based and using online marketing tools keep a position to the consumer mind. The entire customer is now online oriented. This paper examines about current E- marketing process in Bangladesh and what are the prospects of E-marketing. How will we see Bangladeshi E-Marketing sector in future?


How to Cite
Sawrov, M. M. H., & Islam, M. M. (2018). "Scope of E-Marketing” A Comprehensive Study on E- Marketing in Bangladesh. The International Journal of Business & Management, 6(2). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/130423