Destination Uniqueness and Country Image as Factors that Affect Visit Intention on Watu Karung Beach


Kurniawati Darmaningrum
Budhi Haryanto, M M


This article was aimed to examine and study the effects of various factors that affect the intention of foreign tourists to visit Watu Karung Beach in Indonesia. This study reviews the variables that shape visit intention, which are destination uniqueness, country image, and attitude towards destination. The sample of research consisted of 186 respondents. Sampling technique employed was Non-probability sampling method with Convenience Sampling technique. Data was tested using regression analysis. The result of hypothesis testing showed that all independent variable affected dependent variable.


How to Cite
Darmaningrum, K., & M, B. H. M. (2018). Destination Uniqueness and Country Image as Factors that Affect Visit Intention on Watu Karung Beach. The International Journal of Business & Management, 6(7). Retrieved from