Influence of Supply Chain Management Practices on Operational Performance of Public Health Institutions: Case of Kisii Level Five Hospital, Kisii County, Kenya


Jared Kenyanchui
Oloko Margaret
Walter Okibo


This study dealt with the influence of supply chain management practises on performance in public health institutions in Kenya with interest in Kisii Level Five Hospital. This study was guided by the following objectives: to determine the influence of supplier relationship on performance, to determine the influence of information sharing on performance and to establish the influence of decentralised procurement on performance in Kisii Level Five Hospital. The study adopted descriptive design, with a target population of 110 respondents. Stratified, simple random and purposive samplings were used to select a sample size of 30 respondents. Data was collected using structured questionnaires administered to the sampled respondents and analyzed using descriptive statistics in form of means, percentages and frequencies. Presentation of data was in form of frequency tables. The study findings indicated that the respondents generally agreed that supply chain management practices have an influence on operational performance; it was evident that information sharing influences the operational   performance in Kisii Level Five Hospital. The study established that the respondents were satisfied that decentralized procurement influences the operational performance in Kisii Level Five. The study recommends that for enhanced supply chain management practices on performance to be effectively realized, supply chain managers need to put efforts aimed at improving level of commitment in payment of suppliers, employing effective supplier development programs and supplier collaboration strategies. The study recommended that the staff working in the supply chain management should be taken for training since the majority of respondents did not have technical know how on supply chain management issues. The study recommended that the supplier relationship should be embraced in supply chain management. The study recommends a study to be carried to determine the degree to which information technology influences performance of the hospital with regard to risks and revenue generated.



How to Cite
Kenyanchui, J., Margaret, O., & Okibo, W. (2018). Influence of Supply Chain Management Practices on Operational Performance of Public Health Institutions: Case of Kisii Level Five Hospital, Kisii County, Kenya. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(4). Retrieved from