Entrepreneurship : A New Perspective


Neha Kashyap


Once upon a time when people run to get a job but by passing of time new perspective arise where entrepreneurs not only they have jobs but have are job creators so new paradigm shifts from job holder to job creators. More than 4 billion people in the world live on less than $2 per day, and they are not just in developing countries.  In recent years, there is a trend of greater interest of entrepreneurs in social causes.  However, people have experienced an economic recession since December 2007 that is expected to last into 2010, the longest since the Great Depression of the 1930s.  As a result, the authors propose the question; does it take an economic recession to advance social entrepreneurship?  The findings determine that during the recession such factors as low cost of skilled labor, less expensive supplies, tax benefits, new web tools, blogs, social networks make it easier to enter into a social entrepreneurial venture. This literature review examines how entrepreneurship and regional development has been previously addressed theoretically and empirically. Regional Studies and Entrepreneurship are two fields with their own distinct literature. Now is the best time to be your own boss, and to have the freedom and flexibility to work and to better societal needs. 


How to Cite
Kashyap, N. (2014). Entrepreneurship : A New Perspective. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(5). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/132342