Gender and Entrepreneurship Women Workforce Participation in Development of Entrepreneurships with Reference of Uttrakhand Region: A Comparative Study


Jagriti Jaiswal


entrepreneurship is an important pillar for the economic development and the most reasonable factor in economic development is women workforce and women entrepreneurship. We can't ignore the inter-linkages between women entrepreneurship and economic development of any region.

In this paper the discussion is focused on the women workforce participation in Uttrakhand. This paper revealed the various factors which are mostly responsible for the changes towards firms output by using women workforce in their organizations. We know women entry is linked   with another major issued like local physical infrastructure, networking system of the firms, laws and legislation and working culture etc. Women are more affected by these issues rather than men because of high involvement in household activities and family responsibilities.

Through our study we conclude the women entrepreneurship can be enhanced by using the business network system based on clear gender policy. This study provides a suggestion for future research in establishing the relationship between women workforce, working culture of firm and the output of the firm. A better understanding of these aspects can provide a platform for increasing the skilled women workforce with gender policy based business network. That can be advantageous for improving the efficiency of the firm with higher productivity.

By this study we can evaluate the performance of the rural and urban areas women workforce in public and private sectors in Uttrakhand from 2000 to 2013. We provide a suitable strategy for the growth of women entrepreneurship in rural and urban areas separately. We have gone through the academic literature review related to the women entrepreneurship development for concluding our study.

The paper analyze the trend and pattern of women participation in Uttrakhand and the role of  state in formulating social and business networks.


How to Cite
Jaiswal, J. (2014). Gender and Entrepreneurship Women Workforce Participation in Development of Entrepreneurships with Reference of Uttrakhand Region: A Comparative Study. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(5). Retrieved from