Impact of Income on Media Selection by FMCG Consumers: A Study on Kolkata


Rachana Kejriwal
Dipti Kumar Chakravorty


This paper aims to explore the role of advertisement on attitudes towards buying behavior. A consumer's choices are greatly affected by a product's presentation, and in media-driven cultures such presentations are inescapable. Advertising is a form of communication intended to convince an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take some action upon products, information, or services etc. The burgeoning growth of interactive media, as communication vehicles has inspired a flurry of market research that attempts to measure the impact of advertising in the new media, utilizing traditional advertising measurement methods. Today we are living in a revolutionary world and within seconds, several bombardments of new inventions are happening around the globe, media technology being one of them. Media technology has changed our lives giving us the freedom to perform activities from the comfort of our homes.  A questionnaire has been prepared to evaluate the impact of advertisement. The sample data have been collected from the various income groups to show the impact of different categories on different Medias. Interviews were made in respect of their co-relations with advertisements. As a result, formulation of chi-square Frequency was used and presented in tabular format. These results have exposed that advertisement attracts the preference and choices to influence the consumer buying behavior.


How to Cite
Kejriwal, R., & Chakravorty, D. K. (2014). Impact of Income on Media Selection by FMCG Consumers: A Study on Kolkata. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(5). Retrieved from