A Study on HVDC Smart Grid Transmission Market


Shyfer A. Backer
B. Gopolakrishna
Anasbin T. P.


A high-voltage direct current (HVDC) electric power transmission system uses direct current for the bulk transmission of electrical power. HVDC transmission is widely adopted across the globe as being the advantageous for asynchronous interconnections, long submarine cable crossings and has the capability to deliver bulk power for long distance. The new innovative technology in converters has opened a new prospect in HVDC transmission, it encompasses in underground, offshore, voltage stabilization application. These applications accounted major surge in HVDC transmission market..This study aims to capture the market roadmap with market sizes, revenue forecasts, market dynamics, application market and product trends, geographical analysis and price trends. The research also identifies different market dynamics, like drivers, restraints and opportunities of each of the markets. The data had been collected using primary and secondary sources. The results of this study helped to capture the market roadmap with market sizes, revenue forecasts, market dynamics, application market, product trends, and geographical analysis.


How to Cite
Backer, S. A., Gopolakrishna, B., & P., A. T. (2014). A Study on HVDC Smart Grid Transmission Market. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(6). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/132381

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