Women Entrepreneurs Thrist for Business Success and Their Survival in the Market Scenario


Seema Badiger
Richa Pathak
Laxmi Badiger


"I got my start by giving myself a start.” – Madam C.J. Walker

Entrepreneur is one who tries to venture a business on his/her own, by creating self employment and by providing employment to others, through utilizing Skills, knowledge and ability of others to the optimal level. Entrepreneurs in the world are more ambitious to grow rich but, only few of them work for that and prove their abilities in making their work a great success. Women entrepreneurship has become a topic of great discussion and the percentage of women entrepreneurs are continuously increasing in India This research was done to know the current status of women entrepreneurs in India.

This paper discusses about the various challenges faced by women entrepreneurs, it includes the family problems as well as business responsibilities like level of education of women entrepreneurs, their business status, their parental responsibilities, financial constraints, and other business issues. This paper also suggests some solutions for women entrepreneurs. The research includes factors like motivation factor, success factor and the factors that help them to sustain in the business environment. It also examines the factors that influence them to start the business.  The analyses is mainly based on primary data collected from 80 respondents all being women entrepreneurs.


How to Cite
Badiger, S., Pathak, R., & Badiger, L. (2014). Women Entrepreneurs Thrist for Business Success and Their Survival in the Market Scenario. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(6). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/132398