Applying the SERVQUAL Model in Postal Services : A Case Study of Mahebourg Mauritius Post Services Ltd.


Randhir Roopchund
Shobha Boojhawon


Service quality has become a key marketing tool for achieving competitive differentiation and fostering customer satisfaction and loyalty. Across industries and sectors, firms seek to distinguish themselves and retain customers by excellence in service performance. Service quality has been acknowledged as a significant contributing aspect to the aptitude of a company to hold on to clients. The research seeks to apply the SERVQUAL model identifying the different gaps in the Mauritian Postal service which has modernized itself completely over the last decade. A survey was carried out with users of the Mahebourg Postal office to analyse the gaps and differences in service quality. Some recommendations were developed to improve the overall service quality.


How to Cite
Roopchund, R., & Boojhawon, S. (2014). Applying the SERVQUAL Model in Postal Services : A Case Study of Mahebourg Mauritius Post Services Ltd. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(7). Retrieved from