Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Initiatives of Indian Industry (A Study with Special Reference to Exemplary Organizations)


Sarika G.


Women encounter Glass ceiling the most while they are striving to move up the pyramid in their career. The metaphor "glass ceiling” refers to an invisible barrier that prevents someone from achieving further success. It is most often heard in the context of women who cannot advance to the highest levels of power in the workplace. Since women at workplace are becoming indispensible, the organizations are being proactive and taking wide initiatives to break such glass ceiling in their organizations.  In this article an attempt is made to understand the concept of glass ceiling in various organizations. It examines the initiatives of some exemplary organizations in breaking such glass ceiling and also explores the ways or the strategies for breaking such glass ceiling.


How to Cite
G., S. (2015). Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Initiatives of Indian Industry (A Study with Special Reference to Exemplary Organizations). The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(3). Retrieved from