HRD Policies of Regional Rural Banks in Haryana


Ritika Sharma


Personnel policies exist in every organization. The extent to which they are written, communicated and consistently applied may differ from organization to organization. Organization interested in maintaining the trust and confidence of their employees strives to score high on this count. The HRD policies include policies on the working conditions, wage policy, recruitment and promotion policy, training policy, policy on termination and retirement, welfare and industrial relation, etc. Objectives of the Study are :1.To examine the Employees' Views towards Management of Gramin Banks in Haryana.2. To evaluate Employees' Perception with Regard to the Attitude of Management Regarding Personnel policies. To achieve these objectives convenience sampling has been used and a field study was conducted by using  a structured interview schedule  filling by two hundred employees of Haryana Gramin Banks out of 1129 total employees and two hundred employees from Gurgaon Gramin Bank out of 1155 total employees. It was concluded that HRD  policies are very important for effective functioning of RRBs. HRD policies provide guidelines for top management in recruitment, selection, promotion, development, compensation, organization, leadership and direction of human resources  so that appropriate results  and all-round development of the employees can be achieved.


How to Cite
Sharma, R. (2015). HRD Policies of Regional Rural Banks in Haryana. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(3). Retrieved from